Columnar Cacti



From the Galapagos Islands east of Ecuador and owned by Ecuador these cacti are extremely rare in cultivation because of the very strict rules they have for removing plants, seeds or anything else from the islands. Only 5 to 10 total specimens in the USA. The name signifies jasmine-like cereus with reference to the flowers.
Jasminocereus howelii
Jasminocereus howelii: (Y. Daws.) Indefatigable Island = Isla Santa Cruz Galapagos. Photo taken from Merritt Dunlap's collection
Jasminocereus galapagensis
Jasminocereus "galapagensis" - this name invalid, photo taken at Berkeley botanical gardens (USA).
Jasminocereus sclerocarpus
Jasminocereus sclerocarpus: (K.Sch.) Backbg. from several islands in the Galapagos. Photo taken from Merritt Dunlap's collection (USA).

Jasminocereus howelii
Jasminocereus howelii: (Y.Daws.) Indefatigable Island = Isla Santa Cruz Galapagos. Photo taken at Berkeley botanical garden USA.
Jasminocereus howelii
Jasminocereus thouarsii (Web.) Backbg. (T.) HBG19990 EFA2531 Charles Island Galapagos. Healthy rooted cutting in Bobs collection.
