Columnar Cacti



Carnegiea: (Br.&R.) A giant, heavy, slow growing cactus branching high above the ground, specimens to 60 feet high have been reported. S.W. USA and N. Mexico. They can live 100 to 200 years. Named in honor of Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919) distinguished philanthropist and patron of science.

Carnegiea gigantea
Carnegiea gigantea: (Eng.) Br.&R. (T.) Photo of a 20 in. specimen.

I often get enquiries about where you can buy a plant of this well known cactus.
I can now recommend a source for nice 25cm high plants within Europe.

Carnegiea gigantea
Carnegiea gigantea: Interesting top view.
Carnegiea gigantea
Carnegiea gigantea cristate
(Collection and photograph AWM)
A seedling on its own roots.
